Friday, February 5

Project 15

What We Did:
On the way home from the park we drove past a elderly man begging for money.  The man reminded us of Giovanni from The Clown of God and we felt like we could help, if only a little.  We drove home and filled a bag with some nurishment (oranges, almonds, raisins, rice milk and some cookie dough from the fridge) for this man.  Ruby and Max also wanted to include some money from their allowance.  I through in some toothpaste and floss but sheepishly pulled them out with the almonds and raisons when we realized he didn't have any teeth.

How Long it Took:
20 minute

How Much it Cost:
A few things from our cupboard and $3.25.

Would We Do It Again?
Yes, keeping in mind what we learned this time.

Next Time:
Many people begging do not have many teeth, so nuts and raisons are worthless to them.  In the future I'd love to have a few little kits already assembled in our car to hand out to people begging. 



  1. I love the idea of kits for the car! Interestingly enough just a few days ago I was thinking of making similar type kits to have in our car. You've now inspired me to actually do it :).

  2. Hey Sarah, Let me know how it works out for you. I've heard somewhere about using a new pair of sox to package the kits in. Cute V. day cookies by the way :)

  3. We do this regularly. I just keep a box of soy bars in my car to hand out. Great idea!
