What We Did:
A nearby arts museum has a children's library which hosts story-times, cooking classes and crafting lessons. In addition to the well stocked book shelves, the library has set out an assortment of toys and puzzles to entertain\educate the smaller children. We made a thank you card for the staff and donated some new educational toys for their collection.
How Long it Took:
Shopping (30 minutes), Assembly (15 minutes). Delivery (we gave the gift to the librarians while attending story time)
How Much it Cost:
Would We Do It Again?
Yes...Our 3 and 4 year olds are very fond of this particular library and the kind, enthusiastic librarians. They did grasp that they were giving a gift of appreciation and support.
Next Time:
The library would, I'm sure, also appreciate gifts of new children's books or dvds.
Find a local library at IES National Center for Education Statistics (http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/libraries/librarysearch)