Monday, November 9

Project 7

Feel Better Soon

What We Did:
We made some Feel Better Soon Cards.  During the Cold and Flu Season it isn't hard to find someone who is under the weather (school, park, neighbors, grandparents, church, community).  We just made a few cards to let the person we choose know that we were thinking of them and hoping that they'd get to feeling better.

How Long it Took:
30 minutes

How Much it Cost:
the cost of postage

Would We Do It Again?
Yes.  It is a super easy way to remind us of the value of caring about and taking that little extra step to connect to someone around us.

Next Time: x

References: x


  1. Caring for the sick, I love this project. In this day and age, with the ready availability of doctors, online web diagnostics, prescriptions and over the counter meds, its to easy to forget that a little show of caring can also help the cure. Thanks, as always, for the idea.

  2. that's very sweet, and a wonderful reminder of how much we all love to get mail!
